Bible Study Fellowship
Bible Study Fellowship is a unique Bible study where participants study a passage on their own, then discuss with a small group, then listen to a short lecture on the passage, then have an opportunity to read notes about the same passage. This fourfold approach to studying the Bible allows people to really explore a passage of scripture. There will be a unique opportunity this fall for women to participate in the Revelations study of Bible Study Fellowship in a discussion group at Forest Grove Reformed Church. There will be a discussion group that meets at Forest Grove Reformed Church at 6:55 on Monday evenings starting in September. The discussion group will meet for 40 minutes, then will either watch the lecture that will be given live at First Reformed Church in Zeeland, or participants can watch or listen to the lecture on line at a later time.
To sign up you can register here or go to the “BSF International” website. Go to “find a group”. Click on this, then enter “Hudsonville Michigan” for the City. Then click on “women”, “Monday”, time of “6:00 pm -12:00”. This will bring you to where you can register. Or, if any questions or problems registering, please call or email Julie Baar at 616-481-6187, julie.baar@yahoo.com. This study is open to anyone in the community, so please consider inviting others to study God’s word.