Where is the church located?

Forest Grove is located at 1630 32nd Avenue, Hudsonville, Michigan 49426. We are 4 miles south of I-196 on 32nd Avenue. SEE MAP

What time is the service?

Our Service is Sunday at 9:30am.

Do you have a nursery?

Yes! Nursery is available during Sunday morning services.

What about the children during worship?

Children are invited to either stay with their families during worship or join other children in a separate Children’s Worship (3yrs-K). The children leave for Children’s Worship after the Pastor gives a brief children’s message and prayer.

Do you have Sunday School?

Yes, from 11:00 – 11:30 A.M. September through May. Classes are offered from age 3 through adult.

How can I become involved in the life of the church?

All are welcome at Forest Grove Reformed Church. We invite you to attend and participate in any of our activities. Getting involved in any church starts with taking the first step and simply attending.

Membership is not required, but if you are interested in making Profession of Faith, transferring your membership from another church, or seeking baptism, please talk to one of our pastors.

Why should I join a church?

Scripture gives us many indications of church membership. For example, the church is referred to as a body (Rom. 12:4-5) and the flock of God (John 10:14-18). This tells us that the Christian life is meant to be lived out in community. Joining a church proves that you aren’t ashamed to be identified with Christ and His people (Mark 8:38), it places you under the protection of other Christians (Heb. 13:17), it demonstrates commitment and responsibility (Matt. 18:15-17), and it provides an opportunity to use and sharpen your gift for the profit of all (1 Cor. 12:4-11).

How do I join Forest Grove?

The elders (“overseers”) of the church receive professions of faith and transfers of membership into Forest Grove. The elders typically meet the third Monday of each month at 7pm. (Please confirm in the bulletin the date, time, and location.) We invite you to come before the Board of Elders to share your faith journey, your understanding of the gospel, and to tell us what you believe about the Triune God. Once you are received by the Board of Elders, you will be received at a church service. A church service reception provides a wonderful blessing for you to publicly declare your faith and to hear the congregation make promises to you.